Hope’s Door Offers Spanish-Speaking Women’s Support Group

Hope’s Door Offers Spanish-Speaking Women’s Support Group In January, Counselors Stephanie Aguayo and Yanira Villaman began a new support group tailored to the cultural and linguistic needs of Spanish-speaking women survivors. According to Director of Community Services Janmarie Brown, “27% of those we served last year were Spanish-speakers, making this support group a critical element […]


Changing Traditional Gendered Dating Roles

Changing Traditional Gendered Dating Roles By Alexa Kauffman, Hope’s Door Youth Prevention Program Coordinator  This article addresses heterosexist gender norms prevalent in our culture. In a future article, we will focus on issues of relevance to the LGBTQI+ community. Hope’s Door’s mission is to end domestic violence and empower its victims to achieve safety, independence […]


Thank you to our 2019 Holiday Donors!

Thank you to our 2019 Holiday Donors! We would like to thank all the individuals, corporations and organizations that donated gifts for our families during the holidays, through our Adopt a Family and holiday drive programs.  We appreciate the generosity of those who purchased gifts, collected items for us at their businesses, or organized their […]


Celebrating Male Role Models: A.V.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge.” Confronted by what seems to be an insurmountable challenge, A.V., a survivor of an abusive spouse, was searching for services to help him out […]


Celebrating Male Role Models: Jeremy S.

As a freshman at Scarsdale High School, Jeremy S. sat in the audience and watched as the Scarsdale STAR Chapter performed a brief skit that compared a healthy relationship to an unhealthy relationship. Eager to learn more, Jeremy began to attend every STAR Club meeting during school. “I felt that this was an issue I […]