Hope’s Door is here for you, and now we are here for your pets, as well!

There are so many reasons why victims of domestic violence may not feel ready to leave their abusers.  Hope’s Door counselors do not ever tell clients they must leave their abuser, but we do spend a lot of time helping victims to find solutions to their individual challenges to leaving. One such challenge that we […]


Hope’s Door Offers New Mindfulness Group

Hope’s Door Offers Virtual Mindfulness Group In May, Hope’s Door Counselors Alexa Kauffman and Maria Castiglia developed a new group centered on the practice of mindfulness. The inspiration for the group came from Alexa’s own experience with mindfulness. Alexa explains, “Throughout my education, I learned how mindfulness, which is simply noticing the world with intention […]


Orange Juice for the Ear

Orange Juice for the Ear CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE RECORDING Thank you to everyone who participated and donated to our event! If you missed the live event, you can now watch it here!  If you enjoyed Orange Juice for the Ear, you won’t want to miss our next event on October 1. Register for […]


WE are always there for those who need us


Face Shield Delivery

Hope’s Door partners with Stop COVID-19 Special Operations Group to help the Northern Westchester High Risk Reduction Team On Friday, May 29, Kevin Hansan, Pound Ridge Supervisor, Nicole Engel, Pound Ridge Director of Operations and Emergency Management, and Pound Ridge Police Chief David Ryan received and opened two pallets containing 500 protective face shields that […]